
The pretty printer of VerCors is derived from "A prettier printer" by Philip Wadler, accessible here. Typesetting a COL AST is done in three stages: it is first translated into a document tree, then a list of elements, then text.


Each node implements layout, which is externally accessible via show. The only purpose of show is to wrap the document tree with NodeDoc, so that we may later recall what document tree corresponds to what COL tree. If you forget to implement layout a debugging representation of the node is printed that does not look entirely terrible.

Expr is a bit more special: it demands an implementation of def precedence: Int for each expression. You can use bind, assoc, nassoc, lassoc and rassoc as conveniences to see whether sub-expressions require parentheses:

  • bind adds parentheses if the precedence of the subexpression is lower than the specified precedence
  • assoc adds parentheses if the precedence of the subexpression is strictly lower than our precedence (i.e. we "associate" with the subexpression)
  • nassoc adds parentheses if the precedence of the subexpression is less or equal than our precedence (i.e. we do not "associate" with the subexpression)
  • lassoc is the correct implementation for a left-associative binary operator (e.g. +, *)
  • rassoc is the correct implementation for a right-associative binary operator (e.g. ::, ==>)

Document tree

The elements of a document tree are as follows:

  • Empty, which renders as nothing
  • Text(String), which simply represents a piece of text. Must not contain newlines.
  • Cons(Doc, Doc) (or Doc <> Doc), which represents the unspaced concatenation of two trees.
  • Nest(Doc), which indicates the tree should be nested (i.e. indented)
  • Group(Doc), which indicates that newlines should preferrably be removed from the tree.
  • Line and NonWsLine, which are both newlines. If collapsed in a Group, only Line is replaced with one space.
  • NodeDoc(Node[_], Doc), which has no effect on typesetting, but indicates this document tree corresponds to this node.

The deviations from Wadler's algorithm are:

  • We have no <|> to indicate alternatives. Instead our very opinionated Group has in effect two alternatives: we prefer for it to be printed on one line, but it may keep the Lines and NonWsLines if necessary to reduce its horizontal occupancy. When Group is nested we first peel off the outer Group, keeping the inner Group if possible.
  • The flatten of NonWsLine is Empty instead of Text(" ")
  • NodeDoc is there for post-processing

Otherwise the typesetting algorithm is a straightforward transliteration of the paper.

Doc has several convenient operators to make trees:

  • On the right hand side of operators, you can write anything that implements Show, such as Node[_]
  • x <> y is Cons(x, y)
  • x <+> y is x <> " " <> y
  • x </> y is x <> NonWsLine <> y
  • x <+/> y is x <> Line <> y
  • x <>> y is x <> Nest(Line <> y)
  • Doc.fold applies a function on pairs of Doc until there is only one Doc. If the sequence of Docs is empty, the result is Empty.
  • Doc.spread, Doc.lspread and Doc.rspread place spaces between Docs. r has an extra space on the right, l has an extra space on the left.
  • Doc.stack places newlines between Docs that reduce to a space in a Group.
  • Doc.arg indents a Doc on a new line, then appends another newline. Both newlines reduce to nothing in a Group. Appropriate for an argument to a function or control structure like while, when wrapped in a Group.
  • Doc.args combines comma-separated arguments with newlines that reduce to a space.
  • Doc.spec and Doc.inlineSpec surround the Doc with /*@ @*/ if necessary. Note: the context only indicates to the tree argument that we are now in a spec if the argument to Doc.spec is not yet a Doc, but something yet to be showed. This can be delayed with Show.lazily if necessary.


After typesetting the document we are left with a list of elements, which are one of two variants:

  • ELine(indent: Int), which renders a new line with a given amount of indentation. The context contains an indentation string, that is repeated indent amount of times
  • EText(text: String), which is rendered as its constitutent text.

Additionally, we again remember what corresponds to which node, for post-processing:

  • EStart(Node[_]) indicates the start of a region that represents that node.
  • EEnd(Node[_]) indicates the end of that region.

The metadata is used in Doc.highlight, which can point to a node in a rendered tree.

Any node that implements Show has convenience functions write(Appendable) and toStringWithContext(Ctx) to convert the Show to text.


The class vct.col.print.Ctx is available when rendering nodes and can be updated when the parent context is relevant (such as being inside a specification). Otherwise it contains information like declaration names, the horizontal width, etc.